Sunday, October 24, 2004

The .NET Community

The .NET community is vibrant and constantly exploring the framework. Guidance to other developers is given by everyone from Don Box at his Spoutlet to Ingo Rammer, the .NET Remoting expert, to other lesser-known, yet nonetheless smart, .NETizens.

You can find responses I've made to people's queries at - this is a pretty good site for quick tips in a newsgroup-style setting.

One problem I'm currently plumbing myself is programmatically traversing the Global Assembly Cache. Somewhat inexplicably, Microsoft left out (undocumented) the APIs for accessing the GAC. A KB on the APIs is available on MSDN - DOC: Global Assembly Cache (GAC) APIs Are Not Documented in the .NET Framework Software Development Kit (SDK) Documentation This looks at stuff like the IAssemblyCache interface and the IAssemblyName interface, along with structures for use with them.

A wrapper for these APIs would be an asset. Hmmm...